I, as a client, understand that ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ will receive documentation of all service requests, requests for information or declination for additional information which may become part of my customer file. I also understand that ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ will process service requests based on information provided through this site, and that I will receive confirmation of all changes to my coverage. I authorize all such changes and assume the responsibility of notifying ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ in the event of errors or misunderstandings.


  1. We guarantee privacy of client information and all personal dealing with a client.
  2. We will handle service requests in good faith based on submitted information. All service requests will be confirmed to the client and they must contact ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ in case of error. Otherwise the responsibility for a mistake will not lie with us.
  3. The client is responsible for updating email address and other information in the event of change. This information must be forwarded to ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ to keep your plans as updated as possible and avoid any potential pitfalls.
  4. Insurance terms, descriptions of coverage and other insurance information is not meant to be complete on the forms. It is the client’s responsibility to either contact customer service at ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ or read their policy for complete information.
  5. All insurance and non-insurance information given on the web pages is for general purposes and may not be up-to-date or complete. ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ is not responsible for information in sites linked.
  6. No changes will be considered to be bound until the client has received confirmation from ‘Insurigo Financial Inc.’ after they have had the time to review it to their satisfaction.